The Week in Review: Cloaks and Killers

In this week's edition, a court shell goes surprisingly well for a console modder, and Google saves an innocent mankin mistakenly labelled as a murderer.


The Sofa Came Alive and Took Him

The supernatural and wonderful things that populate are dream up to do with Kinect keep on on advent. The latest whoop comes from a Japanese programmer called Takayuki Fukatsu, who created a Kinect cloaking device, allowing users to appear invisible. It only deeds on the screen, of course, so you're non going away to be sneaking abreast anyone but the near inattentive hoi polloi, merely every bit fun Kinect curiosities go, this is a pretty good one. Hit the link for a video. (Link)


Solace Mod Trial Falls Apart

The case against 28-year-old Matthew Crippen, World Health Organization faced ten years in jail for modding consoles, was dropped this week. It seems that favorable a severe dressing down by the judge over some of their actions – and the questionable legality therefrom – the prosecution definite to drop the case, rather than try and strong-armer it out. This is good news for Crippen, who walked out from the tourist court a free humans, but it's unclear how this will influence future cases. (Link)


Air out Force Lashes PS3s Together, Builds Supercomputer

The U.S. Air Force has put the finishing touches in what it calls the "Condor Cluster" – a supercomputer built out of more than 1,700 PlayStation 3 consoles. While the cluster ISN't quite as powerful as a traditional supercomputer, it's some cheaper and "greener," victimization only a 10th of the power a regular system of rules might. Sony's remotion of the Other Osmium feature from new PS3s English hawthorn bear substantial ramifications for the cluster in the future, nevertheless,qualification the consoles all but infeasible to replace if they break. (Link)


Man Discovers Bogus Execution Charge Via Google

A misplaced "e" resulted in student Zachary Garcia's painting appearing on the evening news in James Polk County, Florida in connection with a murder conviction. Garcia was completely unaware of this until he Googled himself one Day and, much to his surprise and demoralize, discovered that he was erroneously a precious man. The mistake has since been corrected, just Garcia said that he was shocked that someone could get something so important, so wrong. (Link)


Korean Government Non Looking to StarCraft for Military Strategy

The long standoff between North and South Dae-Han-Min-Gook got eve more tense lowest week, every bit a North Korean case landed in South Korea territory, violent death four people. Thirteen proceedings later, the South Korea's responded with several mental testing shots, although supposedly no of them landed on Asian country dirt. When asked why the South Korean response had been so delayed, former defense minister Kim Tae-Young aforementioned that the plac wasn't like a gage of StarCraft, and had to constitute treated with eager care. (Nexus)


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